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World Backup Day 2022: Why & How to Backup Your Data

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March 31st of 2022 is World Backup Day. The idea behind this date comes from the Toy Story 2 history, when the team lost part of the movie. It started in 2011 as a Reddit joke, and now is an important moment to spread backup consciousness around the world.

This is a day to remind you of the importance of keeping data backup, so, on 2023 March 31st you’ll be able to celebrate along with your data.

That’s because data loss can damage not only businesses. You can also lose memorable family photos, design portfolios, and tax documents in less than a breath take if you haven’t backed them up.

Top Summary: World Backup Day is a kind reminder for you to back up everything. Cloud, HD, SD cards are good options for you to copy your files and also have them at hand when you need them. Learn the importance of a backup and how to do it to prevent data loss.

What is a backup?

A backup is a second (third, hundred, so on) copy of a file, hard drive, or any amount of data. The backup is like a safety box where you can send your data regularly so you can always have it.

You can do it yourself or set automatic backups of your data to a cloud service, for example. Set reminders and schedule your backup daily or weekly to guarantee all data is the most updated. 

Why should I backup?

A failed hard drive or storage device can happen at random. Simple user errors can move, corrupt, or delete your data for good. It can be your hard drive not working properly or your system not detecting it any longer.

In a connected society where your data is your most valuable possession, you have to treat it as well as a diamond ring (if not better). You may not be able to have copies of your jewelry, but you can do it with your data, guaranteeing it is safe elsewhere and always at hand.

How do I backup my data?

Backing up your data requires you to schedule the backup and choose where to keep the data.

Make a copy of important files to an external hard drive or cloud storage service on a frequency basis. And make sure to avoid any backup mistakes.

Choose a device that most fits your data type. You want everything safe; it doesn’t mean you necessarily have to purchase the most expensive device on the market. SD cards, Cloud, HD, SSHD, or SSD are some of the common drives options for your personal data.

Whether to an external drive, the cloud, or a private server, copy and save all that important data somewhere safe. Do this often.

What should I do if I lose my data?

The first thing to do if your device suffers any visible damage, starts making noises, or is not detected any longer, is to STOP USING IT until you fix the device or recover the data. The more you use, the fewer chances you have to get your files back.

A physically damaged data storage device, it could’ve been because of water, fire, or because it fell, will need a professional data recovery service. Only an in-lab evaluation can recover your data.

If your device is functioning properly and not making irregular noises, a good first step is to download free data recovery software. These come in many shapes and sizes but can take some previous data recovery knowledge to use effectively.

If you are hearing some noises, immediately back up your data and see everything you can to fix your device before sending it to a recovery center. The same goes for a not detected hard drive.

Important: Trying to recover data on your own can cause more loss or damage to the device itself. Try your recovery skills on data and hard drives that aren’t important to you to make sure you’re able to recover your data.

Summary: Backup is like the vitamin you take to avoid sick days. Although a backup is a lot more efficient. You can prevent data loss, saving your business reputation, your college essays, or your kid’s first steps. Learning how to choose the right backup device, how to do it, and how to get data back when you need it helps to prevent any headaches due to data loss.

Keep in mind that SalvageData is here when you need it the most. We assure you ‌that you can get your data back. Look for a data recovery specialist near you.
