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  • Invalid Partition Table Disk Error: Causes & How To Fix

    The invalid partition table error is not a standard disk error. However, you may face a black screen on your computer. It may happen after an attempt to install Windows 10 on an SSD. First, let’s establish what a partition table is. The Partition Table describes the partitions on that disk. The operating system maintains […]

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    Uyjh Ransomware: Data Recovery & Security Best Practices

    Uyjh is ransomware that encrypts your files, adding a .uyjh extension to it. So, if you have a file named photo1.png, uyjh ransomware will rename it to photo1.png.uyjh. After the virus finishes encrypting your files, it will add to each fold a ransom note with an email address and an ID. In this note, the […]

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    XHAMSTER Ransomware: Data Recovery & Removal

    XHAMSTER ransomware, like Zepto, encrypts the infected device files and demands payment ‌for the description key. This is a new virus infection variant that can demand Bitcoins as a ransom payment. Once the XHAMSTER gets on your device, it changes your file’s name and extension, using the .XHAMSTER extension. Although there are a few things […]

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    Ransomware Data Recovery: Zepto Ransomware

    Zepto is a variant of Locky ransomware. It can get to your data as you open infected files from phishing emails passing as bank reports, invoices, or shipping information. The ransomware adds the .zepto extension to encrypt your file. The good news is that even with such powerful ransomware, you still have hope to recover […]

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    How To Fix Error: “You Need To Format The Disk In Drive”

    Disk errors can frustrate users, but they also are usually easy to fix. When your disk asks to be formatted, it means that the disk is either damaged or not formatted correctly. It can be your external hard drive, SD card, or USB flash disk. At any time you can plug it in and the […]

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    How to Prevent Data Loss When Encrypting Your Data

    Data recovery methods vary widely depending on the type of damage to the device and the data itself. This means that, unfortunately, data recovery gets trickier when you have encrypted data. That’s because data encryption uses a high-security level to protect your data, which affects data recovery efforts. With the increase in ransomware attacks trying […]

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    How to Fix: Windows Detected a Hard Disk Problem

    As someone that follows technology forums, it is common to see people asking about the Windows detected hard disk problem error and how to solve the issue. First – don’t ignore it. The message indicates that something has gone wrong with your drive, and you need to take measures as soon as possible to avoid […]

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    How to Fix Hard Disk Errors and Save Your Data

    Your hard drive is one of the most important pieces of hardware on your computer. It’s what stores all your data and files. So, having hard disk errors and not fixing them will bring a lot of trouble, including data loss.  If you are getting hard disk problems and errors, the first thing you should […]

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    iOS Data Recovery: How to Recover Data on Your iPhone

    It’s common to see users storing their important, and sometimes sensitive, data – photos, videos, contacts – only on their iPhones, with no precaution or backup. However, unforeseen glitches can happen – or even accidentally deleted data from your iPhone – and you end up losing your data. You can avoid losing everything saved on […]

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